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Seducing Sora Page 13

  It had always made me mad that guys said girls don’t really like nice guys because they always friend zone them but on the other hand, do they not realize it’d be nice to have a male friend for once that was exactly just that, a male friend?

  Philip was perfect, he was masculine, beautiful, confident, and easy going. He played football and all the girls had fallen for him already. He was different though; he didn’t relish in it like all the other guys did and there was that subtle flare that set him apart from the other boys that were trying to look tough. He was just Philip and he seemed to like it like that.

  He had this thing about him that immediately made you feel like you needed him to be your new best friend. Not that I would replace Amber, but I always had room for more.

  When Sora and Ms. Lemon walked by us, I didn’t stare at them like I wanted to, I played the game, I acted like I didn’t notice him as I refused to look as interested as I was.

  Obsession was not cute.

  I brushed Philip off. “Oh, honey you’re going to make me blush,” I said, as I fanned my face with my hand.

  He and I had a nice little giggle over our antics while Amber sat there and tapped her foot impatiently because the bell had rung. “Alright y’all I’m leaving without you then.” She turned away and we followed closely behind her. “Bunch of fools,” she said loudly, as we continued to laugh.

  Sora and Ms. Lemon turned around to look at her in question.

  “Not you guys!” Amber nearly shouted. “Those two.” She pointed a finger at us like we were guilty of committing a crime and we both lost our shit; I didn’t know why but I was laughing so hard I had tears running down my face.

  It wasn’t even that funny, but I loved nothing more than to rile her up, even her tone of voice had taken on a hilariously high note, that let me know how distressed she was because of two teachers giving her some side eye.

  Sora quirked an eyebrow at Philip and me and ignored Amber entirely, while Ms. Lemon simply nodded her head timidly and continued walking out of the lunchroom.

  Sora didn’t say anything before he departed, and Amber looked like she had dodged a bullet after they were gone.

  She turned towards us and raised a fist like she was going to hit us, then she pulled it back twice as if she would really do it before she finally dropped it. “Screw you guys. I can’t handle you both.”

  I would have believed her if she hadn’t turned away with a smirk on her face.

  I walked into Sora’s class as the second bell rang and pumped my fist in the air and said, “Yes!” in celebration.

  He peered at me from under his lashes but otherwise he had no reaction because nothing I did seemed to surprise him at that point.

  I sat down quietly and dug my pencil out of my bag, and I lifted my notebook to hide my face behind it. Then I slowly raised my head up and made eye contact with him over my notebook. He was straight up looking at me like I was an idiot, and no one else seemed to notice.

  He shook his head slightly and stood up as I slammed my notebook down and leaned back and attempted a relaxed look.

  “You are watching a video today, it’s a documentary in which a few authors talk about where they get their inspiration from and how they organize small ideas into big works.” He put a DVD into the player that was built into the tv that sat in the corner of the room by the door.

  I watched the muscles in his arms flex as he rolled the flag around the pole, so it wasn’t hanging in the way of the tv.

  He was wearing black slacks that hugged his behind and thighs in all the right places so I couldn’t even be mad that he ditched the fitted jeans.

  I pulled my hood on and tied the ties tight and yawned loudly before I folded my arms on my desk and lowered my head to get more comfortable

  He turned around abruptly, and I looked up to see his eyes land on me for a second before he looked at the other students. He was suspicious of me and it made me feel exposed, but everyone watched him so it’s not like he could accuse me of anything.


  “Tonight, for your homework I want you to pick something that inspires you and tell me about it. Six hundred words,” he said, then pressed play on the movie and turned down the lights before he went back to his desk.

  The video was boring, but I kept my eyes on it the whole time.

  I knew I was acting ridiculous about him; I knew I spent too much time thinking about him. But what I also knew -and this was the most important thing- that I wouldn’t risk his reputation with my fawning over him.

  I made a point not to look at him too much, I made sure I didn’t look interested, no one would ever know anything had ever happened between us even if they were small things. That much I was sure of.

  In school when I looked at him it was usually with distaste because he was so frustrating; so, anyone who noticed probably assumed it was because I was always in trouble in his class.

  Even that day I held myself back, I didn’t stay after class even though I wanted to find out what his permanent frown was for.

  I walked away like any other student who wanted to get the day over with would.

  It was only once I was home, and I was sitting out on my porch that I allowed myself to be bold. He pulled up around six o’clock.

  I wrapped my thick shall around me tighter and waved to him as I jogged down my steps.

  “Mr. Tanaka?” I exclaimed in a typical fashion reserved to only brown nosers, as he shut his car door and looked at me with confusion.

  Even he knew I didn’t sound like myself because I flagged him down like he was my teacher, like I should have done all the time.

  I stopped a few feet in front of him and he leaned back against his car and waited for whatever it was I was going to say to him.

  “Alright, I know I can’t take a hint. Sorry for that. But you looked upset today so I wanted to let you know, if the occasion arises and you find yourself in need of someone to talk to, you can always come to me.”

  I figured it would upset him, but I wasn’t dumb, he never saw anyone, and he was alone all the time. The only person in his life was Red and I didn’t know how close they were so I wanted him to know he could have a friend in me if he would only accept me.

  His fist gripped his briefcase hard and I watched his knuckles turn white before he answered me, and I realized I was in the wrong once again.

  His hair was windblown, and his cheeks were slightly pink from the cold as his lips parted slowly and he looked down at me. “You can’t be doing this Kyla, I know I’ve played a part in encouraging you, but we can’t talk like we’re friends,” he said.

  I nodded my head as I chewed on my bottom lip rather than reply to him.

  He was my neighbor and my teacher; my caring shouldn't have been a problem. Yes, wanting him was but everything else shouldn't have been a big deal.

  “Don’t worry about what’s going on with me okay, I’m a grown man and I can take care of myself,” he said, as if I ever doubted that much. “I do appreciate your kindness though.” He pushed off his car and gave me a friendly smile probably for appearances sake.

  “It’s not a crime to care about your neighbor Mr. Tanaka, there was nothing more behind my words.”

  He paused a moment then he took a few steps towards me and lowered his head down towards mine. He was still far enough away from me to not appear strange to any onlookers, but it was still close enough to make my heart race.

  “Look who’s the liar now.” He looked around the neighborhood before he looked back down at me again. “You want me Kyla, and I’m sorry to break it to you but it’s never going to happen, so leave your childhood fantasies at home and stop looking at me like that,” he said, as he ran a hand through his hair and his eyes bore into mine.

  I gasped at his cruel words.

  I could feel his rage down to my toes but mine was growing just the same.

  He straightened out his body with a sigh. “For fucks sake woman, you're so frustrating!” he ex
claimed; his voice harsher than I had ever heard it before.

  “Fuck you Sora, you don’t know a damn thing,” I said between my clenched teeth.

  Childhood fantasies?

  Insulting, bastard!

  “Remember, it's all in the eyes,” he said in a condescending tone, that made me want to wipe away the smug look on his face with the backend of my hand. “The truth that is.”

  “The great thing about childhood fantasies is we get over them quickly before we move onto the next. But let’s see how quickly you can get me out from under your own skin. I’d bet money that you’ll go up to your room tonight feeling really frustrated over the teenage girl in your class that won’t leave you alone. But despite your fury, you’ll relieve yourself while you imagine what I might taste like.” I went bold without even thinking it through.

  I stepped closer to him and licked my bottom lip slowly as he watched with rapt fascination, before he took a step back and I saw something flash across his face.


  “Or maybe you have already?” I asked.

  If he didn’t feel anything for me then I would look like a giant moron but in that moment, I didn’t care because for a second I had felt confident and it didn’t matter that I was letting my emotions take the reins.

  Much to my surprise he started laughing. “You have no idea what kind of game you’re playing.” He avoided everything I said and had the nerve to look bored of the conversation as usual as he yawned and glanced at his watch while he waited for my response.

  “You clearly don’t either because by refusing to answer you confirmed my suspicions.”

  He shook his head and said, “I wouldn’t waste my time thinking about a teenage brat when there are so many delectable mature women out there.”

  “Right,” I said, not believing him a bit. “These women I know for a fact you never see because you are always at school or at home.”

  His eyes narrowed as he said, “I suppose I’ll have to remedy that quickly so you will understand that I am not for you.”

  His words made me seethe, how dare he threaten me with other women and think that it proves anything. If he didn’t want my attentions, he could report me, request that I be transferred from his class or tell my parents, but he didn’t do any of those things. Because he was just as guilty and so full of shit about it.

  I turned away slowly and walked up to my house at a normal pace without responding to him because I refused to plead with him especially when I didn’t believe him.

  I didn’t look at him again before I walked inside and ran up to my room.

  He had said it was never going to happen but with those words he did nothing but make me want to prove him wrong. I didn't believe him for a second and I wasn’t going to let him be mean to me because he couldn’t handle his own feelings.

  It didn’t matter that I didn’t know the game, and he was dead wrong if he thought that meant he could count me out as a player

  Chapter 15


  Childhood fantasies.

  His words were haunting my every thought, okay not all of them because that would be pathetic. But they popped up frequently enough and my urge to fight him over his words grew with every passing day.

  He had said it was never going to happen but never is a long time and I was willing to bet that he wouldn’t hold out much longer, let alone forever.

  He had some nerve being so cruel to me because I didn’t do anything to warrant such harsh words from him. There are nicer ways of discouraging people.

  I gave it a few days to think things over, so I could decide how best to proceed.

  He rarely made eye contact with me in class and he didn’t say a word to me either.

  Which worked out so I could formulate my master plan even though I was left fuming every time I walked out of his class.

  The immature, impulsive side of me wanted to rip him a new one but I knew it wouldn’t have any effect on him and it would only show him how upset his words had made me.

  So, I held it together until Friday, it was the day we would get our answer about the kissing booth.

  If my gut feelings were right on the matter, I was going to win the battle in the end. I had a feeling he was just as mad at himself for his interest in me as he was at me for my actions towards him, that didn’t make it easier to deny that growing interest.

  My mom informed me that morning that he was coming over for dinner Saturday evening even though he tried to get out of it.

  I always enjoyed having reasons to be around him outside of school where he was more relaxed, so I was looking forward to it.

  I strutted into his classroom after school with all the confidence I could muster.

  Amber and Philip were already inside waiting on me as I was five minutes late, and I offered no apology and Sora gave no reprimand.

  He must have decided to give up on dealing with me entirely, which could work to my advantage as well. Unless he was observing the enemy, maybe he always had the upper hand, and I was that clueless.

  “Hey girl,” Philip said, when I sat down next to him and I gave him a saucy wink in return. He turned his attention to Sora and clapped his hands together. “So, teach, what’s the verdict?”

  Sora didn’t look happy, so I guessed the answer was no. “She actually approved it.” Okay, and he wasn’t happy about it? Or maybe it was my presence in the room he couldn’t stomach. “Today you can brainstorm the design of the booth and we will get started on it next week. You’ll have to stay after school some days over the next two weeks to finish it before Halloween.”

  I clapped excitedly. “Yay. Alright how are we doing this, will there be different prices for different kinds of kisses?”

  “Ten dollars for on the lips, it’s expensive so I’m sure a lot of people won’t do it, and one dollar for the cheeks,” Philip replied.

  We were all stoked about our booth even though Sora’s gloom was hanging in the air all around us.

  “You guys ready to smooch this whole town?” Philip asked.

  The festival was held at the school but the whole town was welcome to purchase tickets and attend so there would be a lot of different people there of all ages.

  “Sure am. I’m not worried about the lips either because I agree that most people won’t want to pay that much, or they will be too shy. I know I'd be too embarrassed to do it,” Amber said.

  It was a nice thought, but I didn’t agree with her. “What? Did you forget we are in High School and people are horny and deprived?”

  “True,” she said, before she sighed.

  It was so like her to regret her decision suddenly, someday she’d learn and until then I’d keep finding humor in it. “I’m going to be some nerds first kiss,” I said.

  “Hey, he could end up being a babe someday, it happens.” She laughed.

  “Pfft. We sound shallow as hell right now,” I said.

  Philip shook his head, clearly disappointed.

  “I didn’t mean it; I’ll kiss anybody happily!” I exclaimed.

  Sora spoke up suddenly. “No open mouth kissing though.” He felt the need to say like it wasn’t a give in.

  “Of course not.” I looked up at him and deliberately stared at his mouth for a moment. If my eyes said it all he’d know exactly what I was thinking, because he already knew I wanted him and there was no point in trying to hide it.

  He looked away from me and if it wasn’t for his equally traitorous eyes, I would have thought he didn’t notice.

  “Okay, I’ll let you guys get to it,” he said, then sulked away to his laptop where he was temporarily safe from me.

  Philip pulled the cap off his pen with his mouth and held it there between his lips. “Okay what should we call it?”

  Amber leaned over into Philip and put her chin on his arm. “I thought we were going with Spread The Love.”

  I scrunched up my face. “That sounds gross and too obvious. What are we spreading here? Sounds like an STD c
ommercial, Spread love not herpes… wear condoms!”

  Of course, they both looked at me like I had ruined a wonderful thing, so I shrank back in my seat.

  “Really Kyla, must you always?” She gave me a dirty look to accompany Philip’s. I wasn’t used to being on the receiving end of their censure at the same time because I usually dragged one of them down with me, as it was a dark place to go alone.

  When I heard Sora laugh, I snapped my eyes over to where he sat, and he started coughing to cover up his laugh.

  I gave him a disbelieving look and he quirked an eyebrow at me, it looked like a dare and I didn’t take the bait. I wasn’t going to call him out for laughing at me in front of them and he knew it.

  “Alright fam it’s ruined now either way so let’s think of something else.” Amber was all about her business because she obviously had somewhere to be. She kept checking her phone for text messages every few minutes and glancing at the time anxiously. “It’s supposed to be a therapeutic booth, like those places people can pay to snuggle. We are offering a connection. Soooo...we want people to feel a small piece of joy from a kiss that simply says hello.”

  “Sweet emotion,” I offered.

  Sora had been listening to Aerosmith the other day in his house, I could hear it coming through an open window in his kitchen. “Sweet Emotion,” had slithered into my veins and made me feel like I had to move, so I danced by myself as I imagined what it’d be like to sway against him. It felt oddly sexy even without him knowing the effect he was having on me.

  “I like it, it’s simple but it’s also suggestive,” Philip said.

  Amber nodded her head as she didn’t seem to really care either way. “Kissing does provide one with a sweet emotion,” she mumbled.

  “But let’s add a word, how about, Experience Sweet Emotion?” she asked.

  “Perfect,” I said.

  “Shall we practice?” A lock of dark hair fell into Philip’s face as he leaned in close to me.

  “What? Kissing?” I sat forward in my seat and went along with the joke. I had too much fun with him, so much so that I often forgot myself when in his presence.